
Hangzhou Expat Healthcare & Insurance

Hangzhou has become a more and more popular destination for expats over the years, and with the influx of foreigners to the area comes a variety of different health insurance options for expats in Hangzhou. You can click here to get a no-obligation health insurance comparison.

Hangzhou is the capital and most populated city of Zhejiang Province in East China. Hangzhou is one of the most renowned and prosperous cities in China. The metropolitan area of Hangzhou forms the fourth largest in China. It is an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba. 

Medical Facilities in Hangzhou:

Many local hospitals require a deposit before admission to cover the expected cost of treatment. Expat patients frequently encounter difficulty due to cultural and regulatory differences, even in VIP/Foreigner wards of major hospitals. 

Ambulances do not carry sophisticated medical equipment, so injured or ill expats may prefer to take a taxi or other immediately available vehicles to the nearest hospital. 

Expats often find that international facilities are much easier for them to use for cultural and language reasons. Westernized care of these facilities is usually more expensive, but with good health insurance coverage it is very much worth the cost for a service you are more comfortable with. 

Below is a list of international and private medical facilities in Hangzhou:

  • Hangzhou Dingxiang Clinic (Binjiang Branch)
  • Hangzhou Dingxiang Fanmei Clinic (Chengxi Branch)
  • American-Sino OB/GYN/Pediatrics Hospital, Hangzhou
  • Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital International Service Clinic
  • Hangzhou Women’s Hospital International Medical Department
  • The Second Affiliated Hospital Of Zhejiang University School Medicine International Service Clinic 
  • Hangzhou CanAm International Medical Center
  • Hangzhou Amcare Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Health Risks for Expats in Hangzhou

Hangzhou is a relatively standard humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons thus is usually not a significant concern for expats living in Hangzhou. However, air pollution and water quality are both major concerns for those moving to Hangzhou. These two areas of pollution are pretty standard concerns for those moving to any city in China.

For air quality, many find that wearing hospital masks help combat the health risks related to the heavy pollution in the air. Though Hangzhou is still heavily polluted, in comparison to big industrial cities in China, the air quality here is still much better.

In terms of water quality, the water is safe to wash and prepare food, just not for drinking. Despite these two low-quality areas, Hangzhou rates as a relatively clean city with highly satisfactory green spaces and parks