Please note that this insurer is unlicensed and unregulated in PR China, and therefore we cannot help you get insured with this unregulated insurer.
The good news however is that there are quality global brand insurers that are licensed and regulated in PR China. The Global brand insurers have local offices (usually Beijing and Shanghai), and offer local 24/7 multilingual emergency hotlines, and local language and customer support, making them much better suited to expats living in China.
You can compare our full range of qualified insurers and receive a free quote by clicking here.
Integra Global China Health Insurance
Integra Global is a small, privately held, international health plan designer whose target market includes individuals, families, and businesses with specific or unique needs. Their motto being, “A company built by expats for expats”. They have been operating since 1999, headquartered in London, they have offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.
Integra Global Coverage Area
With offices around the globe, they offer two geographic cover options, one being worldwide including the United States and Canada, and the other excluding the United States and Canada.
Integra Global’s Specialties
The company’s main focus is on expats and marine professionals with different plans available to cater to the specific clients’ needs. Their specialties include individual expatriate health insurance, expatriate family health insurance, international group health insurance, marine health insurance through MarineSure, international health insurance, and digital nomad health insurance.
Health Insurance for Individuals
Integra Global offers two different health insurance plans, “yourLife” and “PremierLife”. “yourLife” is their basic plan offering benefits such as routine check-ups, wellness, preventative exams, vaccinations, and vision care. Their other plan, “PremierLife”, then builds off of and extends from this plan at a higher cost.
Health Insurance for Families
Similarly to the individual plans, there are two family plans, “yourFamily” and “PremierFamily”. The first offering maternity coverage, wellness benefits for children and adults including important vaccinations and immunizations. “PremierFamily” then expands upon this plan offering superior maternity benefits and more family benefits, such as child accompaniment of hospitalization, repatriation accompaniments, family travel and family deductible. Integra Global also offers large family discounts on their premium.
Health Insurance for Employers
Integra Global offers 5 group plans for businesses employees. Level 1, “Option BA”, covering the standard inpatient/day-patient, outpatient, and evacuation/repatriation. These plans have increasingly more coverage as you advance through the levels, or options until the most inclusive policy being premier. Their premier policy includes maternity, wellness, dental, vision care, a best possible outcome program, advanced health screening, complementary medicine, and AD&D benefit in addition to the basics included in level 1.
An industry-specific solution offered by Integra Global to marine professionals. The purpose of this division is to provide coverage to a more niche market with very specific needs and risk coverage. They offer both group and individual plans, that include both offshore and onshore benefits, simplified cover regions, specialized medical assistance and evacuation.
Insurance for the Energy Industry
Energy is another specific industry that they offer more specialized plans for. Integra Global uses its SAND program, expat assistance program, and blood care foundation to tailor a plan to your companies needs. Though a specific plan is not laid out on their website, they encourage you to fill out a form for them to build a policy to specifically fit your company.
Another key aspect of their business model is intermediaries. For them, this includes: forming a strong relationship with their clients and building lasting partnerships. The feedback they receive from their clients helps keep their unique approach plausible, thus they encourage those to reach out for they can continue to provide specialized products and services.