Although many ponder the question of whether China will enforce mandatory health insurance for expats, in some regards, they already do. If you are an expat between the ages of 55 and 65 years old, it’s already difficult to renew a work permit or visa unless you have verifiable health insurance.
Although the idea of mandatory health insurance for expats can sound quite daunting, having a solid health insurance plan when you are in your 50s and 60s is essential. And that’s true in most countries where they do not have a quality state medical system. So, what are your expat health insurance options as a senior professional in China? Let’s take a look at some of the issues and policies on offer.
Senior Professional Mandatory Health Insurance in China for Expats
Did you know it’s really difficult to compare the prices of health insurance for senior professionals across varying regions in China? Health insurance brokers usually have an easy time comparing like-for-like insurance policies to find you the best deals. However, with expats working in senior professional roles in China, it can be difficult to find standardized packages for expats aged from 55 to 65 years old and beyond.
If you want to continue working in China as an expat from the age of 55 onwards, you need to have a viable health insurance policy. This is also true for the same age group when obtaining a visa or renewing a visa in China. Some expat senior professionals have reported that it’s difficult to obtain the Chinese Z visa when reaching the Chinese retirement age. This is why your health insurance policies need to be in check.
Local Retirement Regulations
One thing is sure with local labor and retirement laws in China. If you are an expat over 65 years old and you want to continue working in China, you need a valid medical insurance policy to apply for a work permit or visa. Does this mean that you need mandatory health insurance in China for expats if you are over 65? That’s one way of looking at it. But not exactly mandatory.
The rules for those aged between 55 and 60 years old are more uncertain and confusing. The exact rules and regulations on retirement ages and the need for certain health insurance policies vary across regions. It’s difficult to get a standardized answer and ruling across different provinces for those aged between 55 and 60. However, one thing is for certain. If you are over 65 years old in one of China’s first-tier cities, you will need a viable medical insurance policy to get or renew your visa or work permit.
In some second-tier Chinese cities, the rules for health insurance coverage are stricter for people aged between 55 and 60 years old than they would be in first-tier cities. It’s also important to remember that visa policies can change every few years. This is why it’s always important to have a reliable insurance broker on your side. Mandatory health insurance for expats in China might not be enforced, but you will need it anyway.
Health Insurance Options for Senior Professionals Expats in China
Are you trying to figure out the type of health insurance policy you will need as a senior professional expat working or living in China? Do you need medical insurance coverage for your visa renewal/application or to obtain or renew your work permit? If so, we have some important things you need to remember.
Health Insurance for Senior Professionals Applying for a Work Permit in China
Are you looking to find a viable health insurance plan for senior expats so you can apply for your work permit? Here are three main criteria that your insurance plan should cover:
1. The insurance plan must be valid in Mainland China
2. The plan must cover the medical costs incurred by accidents and major illnesses with the amount totaling at least CNY 500,000
3. Your insurance plan must include features that cover mortal remains repatriation benefit if a body must be sent back to the home country in the event of passing away
Having a reliable insurance broker on hand to help you find the right deal will ensure the three above-mentioned criteria are fulfilled with your coverage place. A reliable insurance broker will also ensure that your insurance certificate is verified in Chinese. If this isn’t completed properly, you will have to arrange for your insurance certificate to be translated and notarized separately, which could be a headache you don’t need.
Health Insurance for Senior Professionals Seeking a Work Permit
Although there is no exact rule to enforce mandatory health insurance for expats in China, if you are aged 55 to 60, you will probably need one to secure a work permit. And if you are aged 60 to 65 and older, you will need a viable health insurance place to obtain or renew your work permit.
Here are some criteria that your health insurance will need to cover for a senior professional expat to get a work permit in China:
1. Health insurance plan must be valid across Mainland China
2. A policy that covers mortal remains repatriation
3. Minimum amount coverage that is acceptable by the region you are working in (each area differs)
We would recommend that you secure a medical insurance package for senior professionals that also covers inpatient care and cancer treatment. As we get older, we are more susceptible to disease and illness. You do not want to be caught short in terms of medical coverage in China. This is especially true if you are aged between 55 and 65 and older.
Recommended Expat Health Insurance Policies in China
We can recommend medical insurance policies for senior professional expats in China that offer all types of coverage. We can even secure you a plan where there is a range of deductible options that can massively reduce the price of the overall plan. This is where a reliable insurance broker such as ourselves will fight your corner so you get the plan that ideally suits your needs, situation, and more importantly, your budget.
An insurance broker compares like-for-like insurance policies from the market-leading health insurance providers and finds you the perfect match for the best price. An insurance broker is there to get you the best deal, while the insurance provider is simply trying to sell you their most expensive policy. This is why you need a reliable China health insurance broker on your side.
The original question was: Will China Enforce Mandatory Health Insurance in China? The answer is that in some ways it already does. Especially if you are aged 65 years old and above.
However, if you are a senior professional expat in China trying to obtain or renew a visa or work permit, having a viable medical insurance plan will simplify everything. And you do not want to be caught up in red tape when trying to look after your health or medical needs when living and working in China. Contact us directly today and we can find you the best comparisons to keep you safe and protected in your blossoming senior years.